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Aligned Secondary Schedules Starting in 2022-23

As you may have heard last week, SPPS is implementing an 8/2 block schedule at all of our secondary schools beginning in the 2022-23 school year. A secondary workgroup focused on grading, credit recovery and aligned schedules collaborated and gathered input from students, teachers and other school staff to recommend a consistent schedule for all of our 6-12 and 9-12 schools.

The reasons why the 8/2 block schedule is being implemented districtwide are many, and we believe this change will provide an improved and more equitable experience for our secondary students and staff. More information about the rationale and what this schedule may look like can be found here.

Some of the primary benefits of aligning secondary schedules across the district include:

  • Removing barriers to cross-building collaboration and improving access to district-wide programs
  • Consistent graduation requirements and equitable opportunities to pass classes
  • Fewer transitions per day for students
  • Teachers have to teach fewer sections each day
  • Longer classes allow for more time to build relationships and create culturally responsive educational experiences
  • Opportunity for students to access to more supplemental coursework 
  • Strong advisory component to support community building and social emotional learning (SEL)

PD to support instructional design for the 8/2 block schedule will be offered in winter and spring of 2022 during PLC times, accessible for all high schools making this change. This training, offered by staff from current block scheduled schools and the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL), will involve lesson planning and curricular scope and sequence adjustments. OCCR staff and the ODAE Campus Support team will work with schedulers and counselors to support the transition. Schedulers should plan to discuss projected timelines for planning and registration with Ellen Merlin from the Campus team no later than February 1.

Within the aligned schedule framework, schools will have some flexibility to create a schedule that best meets their students’ needs. Given the broad range of schedules, classes and programs across the district, we know there will be challenges and that some schools, staff and students will be impacted more than others. We are aware of these concerns and are committed to working through any challenges with you.

If you work at one of the affected schools, you will receive more information from your principal if you haven't already. More details and support will be provided after winter break.

Office of Teaching & Learning, OCCR & ODAE