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Stage 1 Students to Begin Hybrid Learning

Joe Gothard On Friday, we announced that students in Stage 1 will begin hybrid learning on Monday, Oct. 19. This decision was made with the health and safety of students and staff as our highest priority and in accordance with guidelines from the Minnesota Departments of Health and Education. We will continue to ensure all 24 of our readiness targets for Stage 1 are met, while working to reach those same targets for Stage 2 to start additional hybrid learning in mid-November.

Even though limited in-person learning may not be a return to our normal school year, it is a significant and meaningful opportunity for our students and families. I fought to delay in-person learning so I could ensure we have stringent health and safety protocols in place. We are using and insisting all of those criteria are met before we begin a hybrid schedule.

Hundreds of SPPS staff have been safely engaging in in-person work with students for months, specifically in our Essential Kids Care and Discovery Club childcare locations. In addition, Nutrition Services staff, bus drivers and many others have been working to directly support our students and their families. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our protocols in these areas. I am proud of our efforts, and am confident we can apply these learnings to safely return students to our classrooms.

I also know in-person instruction may not be right for everyone. Those families who choose not to return for hybrid learning have the option to select our Virtual Learning School for their students. No student will be forced to go back into the classroom before they are ready to return.

I respect and honor those staff who may need accomodations in order to return to in-person work. That is why we are asking staff in Stages 1, 2 and 3 who feel they need an accommodation to complete the Intent to Return form sent to you at your earliest convenience.

We have transition days supported by the Minnesota Department of Education Safe Learning Plan. Now that we have confirmed our Stage 1 start date, we will plan with our educators to ensure they receive transition planning time during these transition days.

Our families, students and community, along with SPPS leadership, all want our students and educators back in the classroom as soon as it’s safe. I realize some are nervous or anxious to return, and I understand those feelings. I want to assure everyone that, while this may not be easy, we are only proceeding when it is safe to do so. We are prepared to support our staff to the greatest extent possible.

Thank you for being an important part of Team SPPS.


In partnership,

Joe Gothard, Superintendent