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Thank you for a great first week

Joe Gothard Dear colleagues,

I want to sincerely thank you for your efforts in getting the new school year off to a good start. As challenging as Distance Learning is, I am proud of our educators and staff who share a singular focus: to provide the very best educational experience for all of our students.

I received many emails, calls and tweets complimenting staff on your hard work this week. Teachers who went above and beyond to welcome their new students and families virtually. Tech Services staff helping parents, students and grandparents with their iPads. And a visit from Governor Walz, who lent a hand in getting meals on buses at Como Senior High School.

I realize there will always be more work for us to do, constructive feedback to hear and improvements to make. But first, I must pause and give our entire staff an A+ for your efforts in making the start of our school year in distance learning a resounding success. 

Each of us understands the expectations of our students, families and community. We know we all must do more than talk about excellence, we must demonstrate it by our actions each day. I am confident the momentum from a great first week will continue to build as this unusual year moves forward.

As an SPPS parent, I understand the tremendous effort families are making in support of their students. As a leader, I also understand the tremendous effort you are making to ensure SPPS inspires students to think critically, pursue their dreams and change the world. I am sincerely grateful for all you do, and I am committed to working with you to make sure all our students succeed.

Thank you for your hard work, professionalism and ongoing support of SPPS.


In partnership,

Joe Gothard, Superintendent