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Superintendent Message: Welcome Back

Superintendent Joe Gothard Dear SPPS Colleagues,

Welcome back to a new school year. This will truly be a year like no other. If someone had told me seven months ago that our students and our staff would not be in our buildings to begin the 2020-21 school year, I would have respectfully laughed at the thought.

But here we are; and the most important thing to remember is that we are together in doing what's right for our students, families and each other. We care for and about our kids and each other - that's why we made the difficult but necessary decision to begin this school year in Distance Learning. There may be some who question how we are doing things, but no one can question why.

Each of us brings talent, experience and passion to our work. No matter the site, no matter the role, we are here for the same reason: to inspire students to think critically, pursue their dreams and change the world. Every single one of us contributes to this incredible effort. We are together in our work and energized by the positive outcomes for our students.

A new school year like no other will most certainly present many challenges. The rituals and routines we all enjoy will look and feel different. A school year calendar that we all count on for some degree of predictability may reveal otherwise. I want to encourage and challenge each of us to bring the best of ourselves in all that we do. Challenging times will not define us, they will reveal the true commitment we have to the students of Saint Paul Public Schools. 

Please know that I am not only behind you, I am with you. Since 2002, my wife Mary and I have been the proud public school parents of three children. On September 8, our son begins his senior year, our final year as PreK-12 parents. Through two states and four school districts, the years have flown by. It is fitting that right here in Saint Paul Public Schools you have forever become part of our family, and we are grateful.   

I'm confident you will join me in making the 2020-21 school year the best it can be for all of our students, families and colleagues. The way we will accomplish this is by working together. There are many ways we identify roles in our organization - by schools, departments, titles, services, bargaining groups; yet we are ALL on the same team together - Saint Paul Public Schools. We are at a time when it has never been more important for us to achieve success together.   

Thank you for your commitment to SPPS.

In partnership,

Joe Gothard, Superintendent