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Watching the Concept of 'Team SPPS' Unfold at Every School

Superintendent Joe Gothard

Dear Colleagues,

What an incredible first week of school!

I had the privilege of spending lots of time in our schools last week and beyond the sheer joy and wonder of our youngest students, beyond the confidence and determination of our older students and even beyond the smiles (and some tears) of our parents, one thing really stood out for me: The teamwork of our educators and staff.

I saw teamwork when educators and building clerks reassured kindergarteners that their day away from home would turn out just fine. The teamwork of our Nutrition Services staff and building leaders was evident as I watched them encourage students to make sure they had fruit as part of their breakfast, and then helped those same students properly sort their recyclables after eating.

What I saw was the concept of “Team SPPS” unfold at every school I visited.

It struck me that no one person in our district can do what needs to be done for our students by themselves. Sure, our bus drivers are the only ones behind the wheel, but it takes staff members to make sure students get on the correct bus in the first place. And I know our custodians work hard to keep our buildings safe and clean, but it also takes other adults to remind kids (and coworkers) that trash goes in trash containers - and not on the floor. 

There are examples of great teamwork going on every day in each of our buildings. Vince Lombardi, the late, great coach of the Green Bay Packers once said, “The achievements of an organization are the combined effort of each individual.” That has never been truer than in SPPS.

Thank you, as individuals, for putting your best effort into our team. Our collective work centered on kids first - always, makes a lasting positive difference in the lives of our students and their families. And knowing how committed you are to supporting one another, regardless of your title, all in service of our students makes me grateful and excited for our possibilities.

In partnership,


Joe Gothard