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New Workgroup Formed to Make Proposals for Changing High School Grading, Credit Recovery and Aligned Schedules

Published 3/26/21

Saint Paul Public Schools has formed a group that is working to identify challenges and implement districtwide solutions to support high school students with academics in the aftermath of COVID-19.

The Secondary Graduation and Credit Support workgroup will make concrete recommendations to district leadership on practice and/or policy changes to support the proposed solutions. 

The workgroup has established three teams that are focusing on three areas of districtwide practice: Grading, Credit Recovery and Aligned Schedules.

Any proposed districtwide adjustments in these areas are being  planned for school year 2022-2023.

These are key areas for change to address the persistent inequities in how we operate as a school system.

Rapid improvements have been made to support students in the 20-21 school year, including A-B-P-NP grading, scheduling adjustments, on-site student support and school-based credit recovery options.

Moving forward, alignment is a key priority in these three areas to ensure students have access to similar resources and support, regardless of where they go to school. 

What you can expect as next steps: 

  • The launch of an updated website to provide information about this work
  • Additional communication via The Bridge to keep you informed about the workgroup’s progress. 

For questions about the workgroup, please contact Leah Corey at or Darren Ginther at