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SPPS Condemns Hate & Supports Our Asian Communities

Joe Gothard headshot We were appalled at the shootings that occurred last week in the Atlanta area. These senseless acts resulted in the deaths of eight people, most of whom were Asian women. While the motive for these murders is being reported from many angles, it doesn’t really matter: These acts of hateful, targeted violence are unacceptable and must stop.

SPPS is a community rich with diversity. We celebrate that diversity and stand with all members of our family. Our district is home to more than 11,400 students of Asian descent, accounting for 31% of our student body. We are also home to hundreds of employees who identify as being of Asian or Pacific Islander descent.

We strongly condemn all xenophobic, racist, and anti-Asian attacks no matter the circumstances, and we reaffirm the Board of Education resolution passed last April in response to such attacks fueled by the COVID pandemic.

Saint Paul Public Schools remains committed to partnering with public and private institutions/organizations working to address xenophobia and racism in all forms. I know we all want to positively contribute to an education system that allows all our students to feel safe and loved.

Additional information and resources from the Coalition of Asian American Leaders (CAAL) are available here.

Thank you for your efforts and standing together against all forms of hate.


In partnership,

Joe Gothard, Superintendent