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I Know This Is Hard

Superintendent Joe Gothard Colleagues:

I cannot begin to thank you for your efforts on behalf of our students and families. The warm smiles, the tears of joy and the sense of belonging that Stage 1 students and staff experienced this past week have been truly remarkable. The positivity seen at our Stage 1 locations and our Academic Support Center has been heartwarming. Everyone in our organization has contributed to making this important step happen.

I understand how hard you are working. The efforts our teachers and all of our staff are making each day, both in distance learning and in our buildings, are extraordinary. I have heard from teachers who regularly log hours far beyond their scheduled workday including weekends. I have heard from staff and others about how tired they are and the stress to themselves and their families this has caused. Each of us is living through this for the first time, trying to take everything one day at a time. It’s emotionally and physically exhausting, and there are no clear answers about how or when things will get better. 

But I also know your work matters more than ever. Many people are looking to us for some sense of security, of normalcy; something that shows our community that in spite of all the uncertainty, SPPS can still be counted on to do what’s best for our kids. That’s what you are doing. You and your tireless efforts bring assuredness in a time when nothing is assured. You bring hope when there is little to be found. Let me repeat: Your work matters more than ever.

I also realize that acknowledging the stress is one thing. It’s also important to do something about it. 

The Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL), in collaboration with the Division of Academics, is working to produce and create daily lessons that teachers may use when their stage transitions to hybrid learning for grades K-5.

These lessons will be comprehensive, and are being created with the intention of supporting teachers by taking some daily lesson planning off a teacher's already overflowing plate. The lessons may be used during in-person learning days, and as asynchronous lessons for students in distance learning. We will share more information about this very soon.

This is one example of how we are working to provide support to our teachers. I am also mindful that the decision about changing learning models is weighing heavily on all involved. I want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to be transparent in our decision making and share information with staff and families in a timely manner. 

This is a year unlike any other, and we are all being challenged to work in new ways. I am forever grateful for your dedication and perseverance, and I am committed to centering our students in every decision we make, now and into the future. That centering includes student and  staff safety as foundational elements of our planning.

Thank you for your work on behalf of our community.


In partnership,

Joe Gothard, Superintendent