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Celebrating Partnerships, Big and Small, New and Old

Superintendent Joe Gothard

Dear Colleagues,

Last week I had the opportunity to attend a groundbreaking celebration for the new Midway Peace Park, located just steps behind Gordon Parks High School.

This new park will not only benefit students and nearby residents, but it is also being marketed as a destination stop along the Green Line in Saint Paul. The park is funded through a unique partnership; half by taxpayers and half by foundations and private donors. The Trust for Public Land, a not for profit organization, purchased and donated the 5-acres of land for the Peace Park.

We are fortunate to work with many partners in support of our students and our schools.

One of our new partners is Achieve Mpls, which provides direct support for our strategic plan, SPPS Achieves. They are supporting our College and Career Focus Area by creating and/or enhancing Career & College Centers (CCCs) in four of our high schools, including Central Senior , Como Park Senior, Humboldt High School and Creative Arts Secondary School. This partnership shows how by working with our community partners we can achieve efficiency and meet strategic goals.

Another of our great partnerships is with Arts US, which helps SPPS provide after-school and summer programs. Arts US is one of our long-standing community-based partners that also supports our SPPS Achieves efforts. This organization has a deep investment in the City of Saint Paul and our kids and seeks to build positive culture, amplify student voice and promote community service.

All our partnerships, big and small, old and new contribute to our students and our community. Each brings talent, expertise, and yes some bring funding; but they all bring a commitment to work together toward common goals. We are fortunate to work with these incredible allies.

In many ways, the work we all do on a daily basis is a partnership; with our students, families and the greater community.

Thank you for being a good partner, and for all you do for the students and families of SPPS.

In partnership,

Joe Gothard

Joe Gothard