9th Grade Planning Guide

  • As you enter the doors of Central Senior High School, you are embarking on a four-year journey filled with fun, hard work, planning and celebrations. It is certain your plan will shift and change over the next four years, but the end result is the same for each and every one of you - to walk across that stage and receive your diploma.

    To receive a Central Senior High School diploma, students must meet the graduation requirements set by Saint Paul Public Schools. View SPPS Graduation Requirements Here.

  • We strongly recommend students and families work on learning about the courses Central has to offer and gather questions to ask their middle school teachers and counselors.

    Students can start thinking about the classes they want to take and read course descriptions in the Central Course Guide for 2023-2024. Students can use the 9th Grade Course Request Worksheet to narrow down the classes available to take, in addition to making sure they have enough courses, credits and alternative courses to request after April 20th. 

    Our goal is for students and families to be confident with the courses they choose, so there is a smoother transition in September by being in the classes students are interested in.

    NOTE: Non-SPPS Student Goggle Form for course requests will be available for submission after the April 20 In-Person Course Request Night.

  • Required Courses for 9th Graders

    English and Foundations

    All 9th grade students will be scheduled for Quest English 9 and MYP Freshman Foundations.

    Social Studies

    Choose One:

    • World History
    • World History Accelerated


    Choose One:

    • Biology
    • Biology Accelerated

    Students should check with their current science teacher if there are questions about what science course they should ask for. You can find complete science course descriptions in the 2023-2024 Course Guide.


    Choose One:

    The Course Guide has the sequence for math courses at Central and what to take when. 

    • Intermediate Algebra
    • Geometry
    • Geometry Accelerated
    • Algebra 2
    • Algebra 2 Accelerated
    • Higher level math courses if successful completion of Algebra 2 has been obtained

    Students should check with their current math teacher if there are questions about what science course they should ask for. You can find complete math course descriptions in the 2023-2024 Course Guide.

    Current 8th grade Class

    Grades Earned

    Recommendation for 9th grade

    Algebra 1/Regular Math 8

    Any Grade or Percentage

    Intermediate Algebra

    Accelerated Algebra

    D/P or NP (69-0%)

    Intermediate Algebra

    Accelerated Algebra

    C/P or low B/P (70-82%)


    Accelerated Algebra

    A or solid B (100-83%)

    Geometry, Accelerated


    D/P or NP (69-0%)

    Geometry (take again to strengthen skills)


    C/P or low B/P (70-82%)

    Algebra 2


    A or solid B (100-83%)

    Algebra 2 Accelerated

    Physical Education

    Students are required to complete a minimum of 2 credits in Physical Education classes before they graduate. Here is the list of available physical education classes available:

    • 9/10 Individual and Team Sports
    • Strength & Fitness Training
    • Soccer
    • Basketball
    • Mind Body Fitness
    • Volleyball 

    World Language

    All 9th grade students are required to complete a minimum of 2-years in a world language at Central High School. Central has one of the most diverse world language departments in the state of Minnesota! Students can choose from one of the following courses:

    In-Person: Spanish, German, German Immersion, Russian, Latin, Chinese, French, French Immersion

    Virtual/Online: Hmong, Karen, Japanese, Ojibwe


    The remainder of student schedules will be filled with elective classes. Although elective course options are limited as a 9th grader, as they move through high school, more will be available. Elective courses available include, but not limited to: World Languages, German/French Immersion, Arts, AVID, Career & Technology, Science, Math, Physical Education, Science Electives, Social Studies Electives.

    Find all course numbers and descriptions in the 2023-2024 Course Guide




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