• Graduation Requirements

    To receive a Central Senior High School diploma, students must meet the graduation requirements set by Saint Paul Public Schools. View SPPS graduation requirements here.

  • Class of 2024, 2025 & 2026 Current Students and Families

    Course requests for next year's classes are ready and will take place March 20-31! Teachers will be talking to students about classes available to them and will offer recommendations throughout the week. If you have any questions, ask your teachers or contact your school counselor.


    1. Click on your appropriate graduating class link at the right for specific information about your course requirements and how to request courses.
    2. You will find a copy of the Course Guide and a grade-level worksheet to write down the classes you are going to request to take next year.
    3. Talk with your teachers about the difference in courses and what electives you may want to try!
    4. The worksheet will make it easier for you to enter your requests into CAMPUS starting March 20. 
    5. There is a video and directions posted to go over the process of requesting classes in CAMPUS.

    If you have any questions, contact your counselor listed on your graduating class page on the right.

  • Class of 2027 Students and Families

    Initial welcome letters should be hitting email and physical mailboxes the week of April 10. 

    As we gear up for your arrival in September, the most important thing to take care of now is requesting your high school courses for next year. On Thursday, April 20 from 5:30-7:00 pm, we are hosting an In-Person Course Request Night to go over the course request process. This night is for both students and families to attend. There will not be a virtual Course Request Night, but you will be able to find all of the information on this website. 

    Click the Class 2027 link to the right for all of the information!

    We will cover the different types of course request processes, share information about Central Senior High School and answer questions. This includes the difference between IB and AP classes, how students request courses and more!