Phone: 651.744.4900 X45023


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Telleria

My name is Marcela Tellería and I teach Spanish levels 3 and 5/6.  I have worked for St. Paul Public Schools since 1991.  I was born and raised in León, Nicaragua, and in 1986 I moved to Minnesota in order to learn English and to go to college.  My bachelor's degree is from the University of St. Thomas.  Later in 1995, I received a Master of Education with a Specialty in Second Languages and Cultures from the University of Minnesota.  In 2000,


I earned  a Master Degree in Spanish at the University of California in Santa Barbara.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Email is the best way to reach me.

651.744.4900 X45023

My schedule

Hr. 1, 2 and 3 Spanish 3 IB

Hr. 5 and 7,  Spanish 5/6 IB

Hr. 4  Prep