CHS Opportunity Fair 2024

  • Opportunity Fair 2023
    Central Senior High School is hosting their 2nd Annual Opportunity Fair!

    The Opportunity Fair is on Friday, March 1st, 2024 from 8:30 am to 3 pm. Registration opens on December 1st.

    St. Paul Central is inviting businesses to connect and engage with our students and expose them to career options before they make decisions about post-high school education and training.

    This is not your typical trade show! We encourage you to get creative in how you structure your booth, offering hands-on activities, utilizing technology, and staffing your booth with someone who is close in age to the students if possible. Share current jobs, internships, and volunteering opportunities as well as future career pathways!

    Contact Emily Punyko ( or Tory Park ( with questions.


    Registration is now open! Sign up here.

  • Opportunity Fair Logo created by 10th grader Abel White