Creativity / Activity / Service (CAS)

  • The Creativity / Activity / Service (CAS) program provides full IB Diploma students an opportunity to think intentionally and reflectively about themselves as active, creative human beings and global citizens. Any particular CAS experience or project is framed around particular “learning outcomes” that students work to meet over the two years of the IB Diploma Program. These include:

    • Identifying their own strengths and seeing themselves as individuals with various abilities and skills, some of which are more developed than others.

    • Demonstrating that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

    • Demonstrating how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

    • Showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

    • Demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively.

    • Demonstrating engagement with issues of global significance.

    • Recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions.

    Students can use almost anything as a CAS experience, so long as it challenges them creatively, physically, and/or in service to their community, and is not something they are doing for money or associated with religious proselytization. Students use the CAS framework to set goals in advance about what they want to get out of a given activity, document their progress, and then reflect on how well they have achieved their goals. Our CAS coordinator and our other IB advisory teachers work with students to help them develop CAS ideas. Students use time in our weekly advisory classes to document their progress through our Managebac online portal.